Chia Jung Hsieh
VIS 160A
Artist Statement
The artwork, Perspective Explorer, is an 3D exploring experimental game which challenges users perspectives with surrealism modeling style. “A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.” is the definition of the word “perspective” from the dictionary. Individual’s viewpoints constructing by social conventions, lives experiences, and cultural values. It is hard for individuals to see the world outside the box or view the exact same way as others, but that is what the uniqueness’ perspectives making the world lively and diversity.
The concept of this artwork inspiring from the film Inception which showing how insane the world could become between reality and dreams by changing other people’s subconscious and perspectives in dreams then influence what happened in the reality. Another inspiration comes from artist Piet Mondrian tree painting series, Evening: Red Tree in 1908, The Grey Tree in 1911, The Flowering Apple Tree in 1912 and another artist Char Davies, Tree Pond from Osmose in 1995, using tree as metaphor with different painting techniques and technology equipment to convey their notions and perspectives.
Artist Biography
Chia-Jung Hsieh is an artist and designer who passionate with modern art and obsessed with softwares and digital media. From previous art making experiences like graphic design, photography, user interface design to virtual reality, augmented reality, processing, Unity, Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D, and different programming platforms enhanced the possibilities of the art making aspects. Interested in indie game design, with coding and 3d modeling experiences to create a experimental exploration game project. The adventure of being artist is to have full heart of curiosity, keep observing the details in life, and challenging individuals’ perspective.

Assets Building by Cinema 4D