Chia Jung Hsieh
VIS 160A

Dream, vis60.

Mimic Lewis Baltz, vis165

Road Trip, vis165

Road Trip, vis165

Road Trip, vis165

Road Trip, vis165

The Moment, vis165

The Moment, vis165
Pure Data
Additive Synthesis, Mus171
An additive synthesis instrument that can imitate the Hammond organ sound. Hammond organs have a set of eight "drawbars" that set the amplitudes of the first eight partials (harmonics) of the output tone.
Streaming, Mus171
The phenomenon of streaming, in which a succession of sounds is heard as a single stream, like a melody or a person speaking. Cues that might contribute to hearing sounds as belonging to a stream might be proximity in time, pitch, amplitude, timbre, or physical location>
Building Instrument, Mus172
Personal Drum Kit, Mus172
Pixel Animation
Exquisite Pixels Animation, using Pygame and Raspberry Pi to present the animation, vis142
Since I always interested in abstract modern art, especially for Jackson Pollackand Piet Mondrian making me obsess with its visual arts form with the colors, shapes, lines, and the concept behind the art. The painting I mimic is the Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow, 1930 by Piet Mondrian. Based on the name of the painting, I want to make the red, blue, and yellow blocks floating and remain the black line.Setting each block speed differently, the small yellow block is the fastest, and the red block is the slowest. The most difficult part in this project is that this is the first time I coding the python which i spent lots of time learning how to code and setting up the pygame.
At the end, I added sound effects on each rectangle making them more diverse in both visual and audio aspects. Each block has been assigned different sound effect which I made from the GarageBand. I choose the the synthesizer Antarctic Sun as the block sound effect and create note with C1, C2, C3. Therefore, when the moment the blocks bounce to the edge, the sound will come out.
Virtual Environment
Surrealism World, using Unity and Google Blocks to create Virtual Reality Project, vis143
Minds Constructs World (Group Project), using Unity to create Virtual Environment, vis143
A Rube Goldberg Slap (Group Project), using Arduino building Rube Goldberg Machine, vis147

The main idea comes from the phone. The cellphone is made to help people communicate with each others. Nowadays, the phone has variety of functions and becomes very productive, yet it also makes user become less productive since just having the phone nearby could distract people and make it harder to get your work done.