VIS147 Final Group Project
Main Idea
The main idea comes from the phone. The cellphone is made to help people communicate with each others. Nowadays, the phone has variety of functions and becomes very productive, yet it also makes user become less productive since just having the phone nearby could distract people and make it harder to get your work done.
Inspired by Lauren McCarthy’s Tools for Improved Social Interacting, our project will be a concentration trainer to help people to get rid of the smartphone. Making a box as a phone holder and a sensor to carry the phone and send signal when the users touch their phone within a limited time. Then, for the outputs, we will make some parts of the Rube Goldberg Machine to get worked together when the arduino receives the signal from sensor, and finally, to make a slapping hand-like object to do the punishment - slap the bad boys in the face.
Concept Information

The apple have released their new app called screen time, it will record your phone while using, you can see how many time you have spend on your phone.
The chart shows that people spend 92% on the App, and only 8% on Browser; in the 92%, the App that is the most frequently used is Facebook about 19%, the second App is the Music, Media and Entertainment, which has 14%; then is Messaging or Social, which contains 12% and Gaming, which contains 11%.

Are you one of those people who can’t go more than five minutes without checking your phone?
A study recently released by Deloitte found that Americans collectively check their smartphones upwards of 8 billion times per day. This number refers to the number of times all Americans throughout the country look at their mobile devices on a daily basis.
“Rube Goldberg Machine”
Machine intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and overcomplicated fashion. The purpose of this machine is to lift a small flag. Purpose of our machine is to slap you.

Why Rube Goldberg machine?
The reason we choose to build a rube goldberg machine is because it mimics the phenomenon of how we use phone today. Phones are meant to be productive, but when we use it we do extra things like check fb instagram and play games.
Using a rube goldberg machine is a way to explain how distraction technology can cause. Though the way it operates seems exaggerate, but it makes people to think about how technology can be in our life if not utilize it wisely.

The Problems We Want to Address:
The advancement in technology is supposed to give us a more efficient life. However, it is also causing distractions while we are trying to work. For example, smartphone is probably one the most distracting devices. Most of us are using it for social networking rather than productivity purposes.